Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk Starter Kit

When I first decided to really go natural, my friend referred me to the Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk line. I had heard of it from a few YouTube reviews and was excited when my friend was able to secure me a starter kit for free! It’s good to have friends in retail. The kit came with four two-ounce bottles of their Hair Milk Co-Wash, Original Hair Milk Moisturizer, Hair Milk Lite Moisturizer, and Hair Milk Style Pudding.

Considering I got this around Thanksgiving. most of my original product is gone.

Stock photo! Considering I got this around Thanksgiving, most of my original product is gone.

After taking out my sew-in I decided to go full force into the kit like a kid on Christmas morning. I clarified my hair with an ACV rinse and started with the Hair Milk Co-Wash. The smell really didn’t tickle my fancy but I figured as long as it works what does it matter. After the Co-Wash, I plopped my hair with a t-shirt (I had read somewhere that t-shirts were better than towels) and applied a generous amount of the Original Hair Milk Moisturizer. The moisturizer isn’t that thick and the recommended quarter-sized amount seemed laughable, so I used about a quarter-sized amount on each of my four sections of hair. After working that through with a wide-tooth comb, I then smoothed the Style Pudding and set on making my two-strand twists. I tied my hair up with my satin bonnet and hit the sack.

The next morning I started taking my twists down and I could tell that this was going to be a disaster. As I touched each twist I noticed that they were dry…and I mean straw dry. Usually when I air dry after a wash it takes at least 16 hours but this had not even been 12 hours. Taking each twist down I also noticed that there was no curl definition, at all. Each unraveled twist revealed a great big ball of frizzy afro mess. By the time I got to the end my hair looked worse than it did before I washed it! So I washed my hair with my regular shampoo and conditioner and tied it up in a bun for a few days.

I tried again a few weeks later, this time without clarifying with the ACV rinse. I figured maybe it was the apple cider vinegar that dried my hair out and maybe it just didn’t mesh well with my Carol’s Daughter kit. Nope. Same results, same disappointment.

So I decided to give up on the Hair Milk line moved onto other pastures. My experience with it wasn’t great; in fact I honestly can’t find anything that I liked about it. I wasn’t a fan of the scent, the moisturizer didn’t moisturize, and the styling pudding couldn’t hold a curl. I’m just happy that it was gifted to me or else I’d be pretty upset that I wasted $24 on it. Now I did go on and have success with the Monoi Repairing Collection but I have found other brands that are cheaper and I get the same results.

That Monoi Repairing Mask is kicked! Good stuff.

That Monoi Repairing Line is kicked! Good stuff.

Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk line is a no-go for me but everyone’s hair will have different reactions to products. Has anyone else had a better experience?