Springtime Sealing Methods

It’s finally getting warmer outside, which means that it’s time to find other sealing methods without overloading your hair with product. Spring weather can be a mix of cold, hot, and humid so the methods that worked during the winter may not go so well this season. I’m going to go over a few products to seal your ends with that I think may help to ease the transition for your hair into spring.

Oils or Butters?

During the winter it’s critical for most naturals to use butters mixtures that include Shea to tame and seal the ends of their hair. The thick consistency of butter mixtures are a better blockade against the cold and help to seal moisture. During the spring and summer when the weather gets warmer, butters may actually have the opposite effect by weighing down the hair.

A good way to transition is to start using oils and gels to style your hair after you’ve moistened your locks with a bit of water. A few good oils that you might consider are:

  • Coconut Oil: A cult favorite because of the vitamins, pleasant smell, and cheap retail price – it can be purchased at almost any grocery store. The oil itself is already used as the primary ingredient in many popular products but it also works well as a stand alone remedy for frizz, sealing, and developing healthy hair. This oil contains fatty acids along with vitamins E and K.
  • Jojoba Oil: Another favorite that is often added to homemade and mass-produced products that can be used as a moisturizer. This oil provides the nourishing qualities of vitamins A, E, and D by creating a barrier for your hair against the elements. This oil is also perfect as an addition to hot oil treatments as it promotes hair growth and health.

    Jojoba is one of the best moisturizing oils that I've ever tried.

    Jojoba is one of the best moisturizing oils that I’ve ever tried.

  • Grape Seed Oil: This lightweight and affordable oil works well in combating frizz, dandruff, and promotes hair growth.  This oil is also good for sealing and hot oil treatments as it moisturizes hair from the roots. Just a few of the nutrients that this oil provides are vitamin E and Omega fatty acids 3 and 6.
  • Castor Oil: Thicker in constancy than the other listed oils, this is perfect for the summer or winter months because of that fact. Because it is thicker, think almost like honey, it is also stickier than other oils, so this one can be used in moderation. Because of its smell, some people like to mix it with other essential oils, such as peppermint or lavender. It is also a strong anti-fungal treatment so it may cause a bit of itching for some users, the addition of essential oils can help to lessen this effect. Castor oil is a strong sealant and is perfect for hot oil treatments and to promote hair growth. It contains minerals, proteins, and vitamin E.

    Extremely thick and perfect for sealing those ends.

    Extremely thick and perfect for sealing those ends.

On top of one of these oils, I’ll also use a strong gel that can hold a twist out style once I step out into the heat. I’ve tried a few different brands but my all-time favorite is actually something that can be purchased at any Sally’s Beauty supply store for around five bucks. I’m talking about Eco Styler Gel; it is my precious baby, preferably the one with protein.

Eco Styler with Protein Gel

The addition of protein for hair strengthening.

When I first started using gels, I tried to do a homemade flax seed gel from, you guessed it, a YouTube video. But it flopped big time. Not only did it do nothing to hold a curl for me but it left my hair feeling sticky and awkwardly dry. So I went to Sally’s and bought two big jars of the Pink and Brown Eco Styler Gel for $5 a jar. I’m still using them both, not bad considering that I bought them back in December and I haven’t even reached the halfway point of either jar.

Now, I didn’t even bother to read the ingredients in either of these products but later in the week I will show you the difference that I get between using each gel. I’ve found that they have the same hold and don’t really leave behind a “crunchy” feeling that most gels have after drying. I have found that for some reason the Pink gel takes longer to dry on my hair than the Brown gel, I don’t know why that is but I’m assuming that it has something to do with the addition of protein in the latter mentioned product.

Well, these are my favorite oils and gels that I use for the warmer weather. Although what works for my hair may not do that same for yours, it’s always worth a shot to try it out a least. It’s also better than spending upwards of $30 on a product that may not even hold a curl on your head. As always, stick with works best for you and happy hair journey!

Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk Starter Kit

When I first decided to really go natural, my friend referred me to the Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk line. I had heard of it from a few YouTube reviews and was excited when my friend was able to secure me a starter kit for free! It’s good to have friends in retail. The kit came with four two-ounce bottles of their Hair Milk Co-Wash, Original Hair Milk Moisturizer, Hair Milk Lite Moisturizer, and Hair Milk Style Pudding.

Considering I got this around Thanksgiving. most of my original product is gone.

Stock photo! Considering I got this around Thanksgiving, most of my original product is gone.

After taking out my sew-in I decided to go full force into the kit like a kid on Christmas morning. I clarified my hair with an ACV rinse and started with the Hair Milk Co-Wash. The smell really didn’t tickle my fancy but I figured as long as it works what does it matter. After the Co-Wash, I plopped my hair with a t-shirt (I had read somewhere that t-shirts were better than towels) and applied a generous amount of the Original Hair Milk Moisturizer. The moisturizer isn’t that thick and the recommended quarter-sized amount seemed laughable, so I used about a quarter-sized amount on each of my four sections of hair. After working that through with a wide-tooth comb, I then smoothed the Style Pudding and set on making my two-strand twists. I tied my hair up with my satin bonnet and hit the sack.

The next morning I started taking my twists down and I could tell that this was going to be a disaster. As I touched each twist I noticed that they were dry…and I mean straw dry. Usually when I air dry after a wash it takes at least 16 hours but this had not even been 12 hours. Taking each twist down I also noticed that there was no curl definition, at all. Each unraveled twist revealed a great big ball of frizzy afro mess. By the time I got to the end my hair looked worse than it did before I washed it! So I washed my hair with my regular shampoo and conditioner and tied it up in a bun for a few days.

I tried again a few weeks later, this time without clarifying with the ACV rinse. I figured maybe it was the apple cider vinegar that dried my hair out and maybe it just didn’t mesh well with my Carol’s Daughter kit. Nope. Same results, same disappointment.

So I decided to give up on the Hair Milk line moved onto other pastures. My experience with it wasn’t great; in fact I honestly can’t find anything that I liked about it. I wasn’t a fan of the scent, the moisturizer didn’t moisturize, and the styling pudding couldn’t hold a curl. I’m just happy that it was gifted to me or else I’d be pretty upset that I wasted $24 on it. Now I did go on and have success with the Monoi Repairing Collection but I have found other brands that are cheaper and I get the same results.

That Monoi Repairing Mask is kicked! Good stuff.

That Monoi Repairing Line is kicked! Good stuff.

Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk line is a no-go for me but everyone’s hair will have different reactions to products. Has anyone else had a better experience?


April Showers are a bit late this year but the humidity is back in full force! And that means good-bye pretty twist outs and hello puff of doom. I don’t know about you but the second that I walk outside the full effects of the humidity are felt immediately and all of my hard work was for nothing. So today I’m going to try something different that I’ve been experimenting with recently. I saw a few videos on protective styling and the one that caught my eye was a quick and easy two strand flat twist.

Now I’m not going to post a video of how I do it because I honestly don’t think that mine comes out that hot but I follow a similar style that YouTuber LongHairDontCareLLC uses in her video:

Word to the wise, the end results are only going to look nice if you have your hair in a stretched state. My hair is not stretched, I actually had it in an afro yesterday so it is anything but stretched. So this style on me is a little bit puffy, not great but it gets the job done. I completed this style using Naturalista Cosmetics Juicy Leave In that I got in my CurlKit yesterday. It sort of smells like vanilla birthday cake, which I have no problem with and the texture reminds me of a thick, whipped frosting. Sorry, but that’s the best way that I can describe it.

I also decided to seal my ends with a little of the Ampro Vitamin E Oil since I now have a huge 6 oz bottle to play with. I was expecting a little bit of a smell to come with this and it gives off a light, fruity scent. After looking at the ingredients grape seed is indeed there on the list. I didn’t use too much, just about a quarter size amount since my ends are going to be tucked away anyway. Tip: Try doing this at night and wrapping your hair with a scarf. The scarf will help to reduce the visible frizz and give it a more polished look. Side view because I have a big forehead:

Attempt #1

Attempt #1.

Now that Spring humidity is back with a vengeance  it looks like I have to start experimenting more with protective styling to keep my puff in place.


It’s finally here!!! After three long weeks of waiting my CurlKit finally came in the mail today! I did my first ever YouTube review that you can watch here. Unfortunately, one of the products that I was really looking forward to did not come with this Kit and I had to send them another email. Karen’s Body Beautiful Leave In Conditioner was listed in the kit content but was not in my box. Hopefully CurlKit can have that sent to me or else we’re going to have some issues.

I tallied up the full retail price of this box, minus the Karen’s Body Beautiful and here are the results:

  • Ori Essentials Moisturizing Leave In Conditioner (Full-Size)  – $13
  • Ampro Pro Style Vitamin E (Full-Size) – $5
  • Honey Curls Oil Blend (about 2 oz.) – $5
  • Amazing Botanicals AloeMint Spritz (about 2 oz.) – $4.50
  • Naturalista Cosmetics Juicy Leave In Conditioner (about 1.7 oz.) – $5.50

So, all together, minus the Karen’s Body Beautiful, my box totals to $33 and I paid $18. Not a bad deal price wise. I will be using the Vitamin E like a fiend in my hot oil treatments. It’ll also make a nice addition to my Castor Oil mix to help dilute it a bit. I have enough Leave In’s now to last me until mid-summer so that’s nice. Wash Day is coming up again so I’m excited to try out my new oils and share the results!

Welcome to Color Me Curly

This is a personal blog where I’ll detail my daily hair and beauty regimen. This isn’t just a beauty blog, this is an exploration of self and a possible source of encouragement for others. I want to have fun with my natural hair journey and experiment with different products and styles. If someone else can benefit from what I do as well, then bonus points all around!

I am no expert in any way, shape, or form but if I need an expert opinion then that’s why I have a hairdresser on stand-by. I try my best to find the most trust worthy information to share and I wouldn’t share it here if I didn’t believe in it myself. All of the links provided are sources that I use myself and I’ve personally purchased and tried each product that I’ll list in my review section.

I plan on having a Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter account to go along with this site; Tumbr is a bit iffy but we’ll see. In a few days the site will be up to full capacity and I can really get this ball moving. Until then, lots of love!
